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Dear Dr. Piazza: Thank you for the tremendous support you have given Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.
You have not only been a major donor yourself, but you have encouraged and helped make it possible for others to donate to us. Your donations have not only benefited us, they have benefited the cause of freedom.
I’d like to single out two of your acts of generosity for special thanks.
First, you were the largest donor to our video documentary, “ Innocents Betrayed.” Your donations made it possible for us to obtain many of the high quality film clips and still photos that are so crucial to the gut level message we aimed to convey. Your advice helped us craft and market the film. I was pleased to credit you as my fellow producer. That the film has been praised so highly and has been so effective in alerting people to the connection between “gun control” and genocide is due, in important part, to your support.
Second, by providing our organization, with free certificates for courses at Front Sight Training Institute, you enabled us to raise substantial amounts of money from people eager to take your excellent self-defense classes. We particularly appreciated the fact that you allowed us to use Front Sight certificates in flexible and creative ways to meet our fundraising needs.
You are a true friend to liberty, the second amendment, and Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. It’s a privilege to have you as a benefactor.
Aaron Zelman
Executive Director
© 1997 - 2003 JPFO